Praegus Solutions

FitNesse Bootstrap-plus Theme

A new UI for FitNesse. Feels familiar, but much more productive


Lost in tab hell when editing FitNesse tests?

Bootstrap-plus tells you what page you're on, if it's a test, suite or static page and if you're editing it


Didn't remember the exact fixture method and arguments, or your scenario definition?

AutoComplete now knows your fixtures, scenario's and slim symbols. Has fuzzy search too!


Need some documentation to go with that fixture code?

Build your fixtures with our doclet, and get Javadoc in the context helper pane!


Tired of always having to click around so much?

We have a nifty context menu that has all the frequently used shortcuts!


Standing out like a sore thumb with your all-white test tool between all those fancy dark development tools?

Bootstrap-plus has you covered, with a sleek looking dark mode.


Do all those tables look the same to you?

Bootstrap-plus shows the table type with an icon, lets you know what you're looking at.


Surely, you too forget that last pipe sometimes?

Bootstrap-plus'validator gives you the heads up before you run your test!


Bootstrap-Plus: FitNesse on steroids